Category: Programming
Hammering Screws: Programmers and Tool Blindness
JUN 19 2008
Filed under code, programming, relevant, soap box, thoughts, tools
Coding Your Fingers Off - Hand Tools, Power Tools, and Programmers
JUN 17 2008
Filed under code, programming, relevant, soap box, thoughts
Found Code: Optimizing Large Form Performance in JavaScript
JUN 10 2008
Filed under found code, javascript, performance, programming, relevant, web 2.0
Programming In Pants
MAY 30 2008
Filed under outdated, programming, soap box, thoughts
Jack of Even More Trades, Master of Even Less
MAY 16 2008
Filed under java, outdated, programming, soap box, thoughts, web 2.0
Grow Up and Code
MAY 05 2008
Filed under groovy, java, javaone2008, outdated, programming, soap box, thoughts