Organic UITableViews
Disclaimer: Check the date! This post was written way back in . Links could be dead or irrelevant. If there are technical things in here, they may be outdated, or there may be better ways to do them by now. You've been warned.
I came across this nifty project on GitHub: mamaral/Organic.
A UITableViewController subclass designed with efficiency and maintenance in mind, and tries its best to handle just about everything for you.
No more if-statements and switches in every table view dataSource and delegate method. No more splitting up all the logic for each row and section into a dozen different methods, making addition, removal, or minor alterations to format and layout a headache. We feel your pain, we know the struggle. Moving one section of cells below another, moving cells between sections, adding new cells to existing sections, etc., with a decently-complex table view can be a nightmare, but with Organic it’s as simple as changing the order of objects in an array.
I’ll have to play with it to see if it fits in my current Interface Builder workflow; but looking at the sample code, it looks promising.