Relaunch on Jekyll
I guess Wordpress finally got fed up with me not updating my theme to the latest version; so the last upgrade finally killed the site. Luckily, a few months ago I had already re-started a Jekyll redesign I actually started a few years ago, back when Jekyll was new and popular. So, with a little polish and brand-new deploy script, here we are! (I’m not technically finished, but if I waited until I was, there’d still be a broken Wordpress install sitting here.)
If you haven’t noticed the header yet, I’m not really much of a web developer anymore, I’ve been concentrating mainly on iOS for the past 4 years or so, so that’s the new topic for this site. Like last time, I’m still most-interested in UI development, so expect to find articles about Interface Builder, Autolayout, Storyboards, and Animation. That is, if I actually manage to write anything.
This time around the site is fully-static, which means no comments. I kept any interesting comment threads from the past, but killed the rest. Sorry. (Not really.) If you’re interested, see the Colophon for details on what makes this site tick. There’s also an updated “About” page and a brand new “Projects and Code” page as well.