For those of you visiting to check out my changes for the May 1st Reboot, I’d like to welcome you and encourage you to subscribe to my RSS feed. Sadly, I did not get my design totally finished thanks in part to life in general. If you’ve seen my design before the reboot I think this is a definite improvement; however there are plenty of tiny details that still need a lot of work.

Since I’m away for most of next week at the JavaOne conference in San Francisco I’m planning to do a bit of work on this site while in the air. So, with any luck it should be prettier than it currently is sometime next weekend. If you have any comments, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment on this post. This is a design in progress and I welcome any and all criticism.

Regular updates should now resume since I don’t need the reboot splash screen any longer, so check back tomorrow for a brand new article.