On Feeling Lonely
Disclaimer: I've grown up a bit and learned a lot since this blog was started. In the beginning I took tips from the likes of John Chow and Shoemoney and tried to write titles and content for Digg and Reddit. In the end it didn't do me much good and most of it just seems silly looking back. If you're interested anyway, here's what I wrote back then, but take it with a grain of salt.
My blogroll needs some love. I’m looking for some quality blogs out there who are just starting up. They should be on a similar topic, somewhere close to SEO, CSS, JavaScript, Web Standards, and/or Java Programming, but that’s really open for negotiation.
Here’s my problem, my co-workers don’t blog, I doubt most of them have even heard of Wordpress, and nobody really has enough of a passion to take the time to write. So, if you’ve got a young blog, or you know of a blog on a similar topic, please send me a link in a comment. I’m looking for blogs that update often, or at least regularly, because I need some fresh, on-topic content to comment on and discuss. Who’s out there? This is not a link exchange request, I don’t expect reciprocation, but I wouldn’t complain if you did, and please don’t spam me with links to non-related sites.
In other news, I’ve come across a few interesting Wordpress plugins that I’m going to be trying out, wp-typogrify, and Registered Users Only (not for this blog). So, look for those changes and if I find anything interesting about them I’ll let you know!